The most important trends that will be influencing travel consumer behaviour in 2017.
A deep dive into the importance of authentic, unique, and personal experiences in travel right now.
How operators should be adapting their marketing and customer experiences to satisfy customer expectations
The state of the tour and activity industry, including recent changes in booking habits and mobile behaviour.
Lucy Fuggle is Head of Content Marketing at TrekkSoft. She tries to read a book a week, travel solo every month, and share ideas on You can usually find her in Switzerland's Berner Oberland.
Nicole Kow Having graduated from the UK with a degree in Psychology, Marketing and Management, Nicole travelled around Europe before joining TrekkSoft's marketing team. She’s now embarking on a year-long digital nomad journey, and regularly blogs about her travels at Next Train Out.
Sara Burkhard is a writer from the American West Coast. In recent years, she's written for companies like Hipmunk, iTourMobile and Mylikes. She now resides in Zurich, Switzerland where she finds new adventures and attempts to speak German with minimal success.
TrekkSoft is the all-in-one solution for tour and activity companies. Build, manage, market, sell, and connect. Simply and effectively, online and offline. Reach your goals with TrekkSoft.
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